Great hair is important to both men and women, and we’ve all had our struggles with hair loss, thinning, dry, or breaking hair. Hair care brands are constantly releasing products that they claim are able to stop these issues, but some of the best hair healthy solutions can actually be readily found in nature.
Similar to how a tree can stop growing or die due to lack of just one or two vital nutrients in the soil, your hair can lose shine and vitality, start thinning or just fall out completely if your diet is lacking important vitamins or minerals that are necessary for thick, healthy hair growth. Moringa is a powerhouse of nutrients including:
- amino acids
- antioxidants
- vitamin A
- vitamin B1 (thiamine)
- B2 (riboflavin)
- B3 (niacin)
- B6
- folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
- calcium
- potassium
- iron
- magnesium
- phosphorus
- zinc
All this adds up to moringa being one very special plants that could be the answer to all of your hair problems. Known as malunggay in some countries, the leaf of the moringa tree is filled with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that together form an incredibly powerful superfood. If you’re suffering from thinning, weak hair, a receding hairline, or baldness, a nutrient boost could be exactly what you need to kick-start your hair growth again.
Moringa might help fill any deficiency you have, giving your receding hairline, thinning locks, growing bald spot or split ends the nutrients they need to combat the burden of unhealthy looking or disappearing hair. Take a look at our Best Moringa Powder Reviews page to find the right powder for you.

Moringa is filled with so many healthy nutrients, it’s no wonder there is a connection between moringa and hair health. The world-renowned superfood has been proven to have benefits for hair and skin and even increase sexual vitality in men! Primarily found in parts of Africa, Asia, and South America, the moringa tree is rich in zinc and protein. The leaves are also filled with vitamins A, B, and C. The tree is a host for complete amino-acids, antioxidants, chlorophyll, and just about everything we need to maintain a healthy body and a healthy head of hair.
It’s not only the digestible leaves that are good for your hair however. The nutrient packed “miracle tree” oil can also be used topically to infuse growth-promoting minerals into your hair and scalp, stave off bad bacteria and fungal growth, and reduce the greying of hairs, dandruff and split ends. Read on to find out more about malunggay oil and how it can be used in conjunction with dietary supplementation to give your body and hair the extra boost it needs to recover to a more desirable state.

Professionals in the beauty industry have caught on to the moringa benefits for hair and skin and have created hair products with the moringa leaf. Today, consumers can purchase moringa soaps, moringa oils for various uses, moringa leaf powder, moringa tea bags, moringa supplements, moringa scrubs and face masks – moringa everything!
Benefits of Moringa Oil for Hair
Moisturization is very important for all hair types, especially for people with curly or thick hair.
Moringa hair products come in many forms, including oil. Moringa, like other hair oil products, is used to fight dry hair and scalp. People also use moringa oleifera oil to reduce hair loss, boost vitality and shine and to promote hair growth.
Moringa oil is pressed from seeds of the drumstick tree. The seeds are rich in nutrients and heavy in vitamins that are needed for healthy hair. Here are a few benefits of moringa oil for hair.
Clean hair and pleasant smell: Moringa oil is known for being a natural cleanser and having a natural and fresh smell.
Extreme moisture: Moringa oil is used around the world as a massage oil because of its natural moisturizing qualities. Massaging moringa oil into wet hair and gently rubbing the scalp with the oil helps the moringa superfood nutrients to reach the roots for total moisturization. Moringa oil is highly recommended for people who suffer from dry scalp.
Strengthens Hair: Do some research and check out what people have to say in moringa oil for hair reviews. Moringa oiled hair (hair that is regularly treated with moringa oil) usually becomes stronger, thicker and more vibrant. The calcium and nutrients in the moringa leaf fuses with hair follicles and rejuvenates the hair from within.
Gets rid of dandruff and split ends: Moringa oil’s healing properties and the minerals found in the moringa leaf has proven to minimize dandruff and split ends by cleaning and moisturizing the hair.
Promotes new growth: Healthier, stronger hair also means your hair will look thicker and more volumous too! Especially when combined with moringa powder dietary supplementation, many moringa users report their hairlines stop receding and even new growth starting in balded areas.
Moringa comes in many forms, but if you are looking for help with dry hair, or looking to rejuvenate and strengthen weak or broken hair, moringa oil is definitely a good choice for you.
Moringa Products for Hair Growth
The hair and beauty industry is buzzing about moringa and the natural superfood growing in popularity daily. There are so many moringa products for hair growth because the moringa hair growth results are simply amazing!
Moringa has been around for years but it seems like people are just starting to understand it’s popularity. The zinc found in moringa enables the leaf to stimulate hair growth and the moringa nutrients help with overall hair health.
Moringa for hair growth is efficient because hair needs keratin. Keratin is a protein that is very important for hair growth. The formation of keratin in the hair and scalp depends on the number of amino-acids, minerals, and vitamins present within your scalp and hair follicles. Moringa is rich in all of the nutrients needed to produce keratin.
Although moringa is most commonly used in powder form, the superfood has been recreated into many forms and sold as hair products. Here are a few ways you can incorporate moringa into your hair regiment.
Use a moringa hair mask: Moringa’s high intensity of vitamins help to make hair follicles stronger. Mix your moringa powder with coconut milk and raw honey for a health hair mask that will leave your hair strengthen, shiny, and beautiful. This works best if done regularly once a week!
Get a moringa hair oil: Moringa oil for hair growth and moisture is essential to a moringa haircare measurement. Moringa oil will help with dry scalp and dandruff. Massaging moringa oil on your scalp and mixing it with jojoba oil is a great way to moisturize the hair follicles.
Add moringa to your food: Just like taking your hair vitamins, oral consumption of moringa can help you have beautiful hair too. You’ll grow your hair from the inside out by sprinkling moringa powder on your food. Check out some moringa smoothie recipes too!
Moringa tea rinse : Wondering how you can use moringa tea for hair growth? Using a moringa tea rinse is a refreshing way to clean and add nutrients to your hair. After making the moringa tea, put it in a spray bottle and use it as a spritz for your hair. Moringa tea benefits for hair are endless!

Moringa Shampoo for Hair Loss
Hair loss can come out of nowhere and it can be really hard to recover from. Moringa’s properties of zinc, protein, and vitamins A, B, and C work together to repair hair follicles and reverse hair loss.
If you are considering trying moringa for hair loss, you may want to work on finding the right moringa shampoo. Moringa shampoo is a blend of moringa-leaf and various herbs formulated to protect and repair hair follicles, repair dead ends, and prevent hair fall.
Here are some of the benefits of using moringa shampoo for hair loss:
Puts a stop to hair fall: Do you notice big chunks of hair falling out when you wash or comb it? Or do you just notice you’re always covered in hair strands? If you’re noticing excessive hair fall you may be deficient in vitamin B. Moringa shampoo can help with this. Moringa is rich in Vitamin B and it contains Vitamin E which promotes a healthy nourished scalp.
Natural Cleansing: Moringa is known to have properties of a natural cleanser. Moring is heavy in zinc so moringa shampoo tends to be less harsh than other cleansers that are heavy with chemicals and may cause hair loss.
Strengthens hair: The presence of zinc in moringa shampoo acts as a cleanser and it nourishes the scalp which strengthens the root of the hair.
Helps to grow your hair: Moringa, in any form, contains high levels of iron. Having healthy amounts of iron in your system is extremely important to hair growth, especially for women. Iron carries oxygen to the hair follicles. Washing your hair with a moringa shampoo and then following with a moringa oil can greatly increase hair growth.
Works well for dandruff and dry scalp: Dandruff and dry scalp is a common reason for hair loss. The presence of vitamins B, C, and E in the moringa shampoo helps to nourish roots and ultimately works to fight hair loss.
Slows down early graying: Gray hair is caused when the oxidation process in the body creates free radicals that cause damage to cells and strips away natural hair color. By consuming moringa and using moringa shampoo you can help slow down gray hairs.
Moringa Hair Oil for Hair Growth
As mentioned before, moringa oil is a great way to keep your hair moisturized. Locking in moisture is essential to hair growth. Moringa hair oil is packed with omega 3 which helps to moisturize your hair and scalp. Omega 3 helps to grow healthy hair and increases the diameter of your hair strands.
Moringa oil for natural hair and moringa oil treatment also helps to treat split ends. Moringa seeds are packed with essential amino- acids that create protein for the hair. Moringa seed oil proteins are key to producing healthy skin hair and nails.

Moringa Powder Benefits for Hair
Moringa is most commonly used in powder form. Moringa powder is very low in fat and rich in vitamins, proteins, and minerals that can be beneficial for healthy hair.
Moringa powder for hair can be consumed orally by sprinkling some on your food or making a yummy moringa smoothie.
Here are three major benefits of using moringa powder for hair growth/ loss/ health.
- Helps to make your hair grow: Use a moringa powder to make a paste for your hair. The minerals in the powder will help to increase hair thickness and shininess.
- Helps to form Keratin in the hair: Moringa boosts the cells needed to create protein for healthy amounts of keratin in your hair.
- Creates healthy Follicles: Spraying your hair with Moringa powder mixed with water before bed promotes a healthy scalp and healthy follicles.
Moringa for Hair FAQ
Moringa can be used to grow thicker, longer and healthier hair because it is full of nutrients that stimulate growth. Moringa contains amino acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals like zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iron which all amount to stronger, healthier hair.
Moringa powder can by used topically to strengthen hair, although it is more common to use moringa oil for this purpose. The powder is more often included as a dietary supplement to nourish the body internally.
Because grey hair is often due to a specific nutrient deficiency, moringa being the powerhouse of vitamins and minerals that it is, can often fill that deficiency, restoring color to grey hair and promoting new growth.
Moringa is a highly nutritious supplement and studies show that drinking it everyday increases blood antioxidant levels, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Millions of people take moringa everyday without any problems.
Consumption of moringa leaf is safe, however consuming large quantities of bark or pulp may cause negative side effects. Due to alkaloids in the plant it is possible that longer term dietary supplementation may lower blood pressure, which can be a problem for those with already low levels.
Moringa is a highly nutritious plant, that can actually help kidney function. People who consume moringa regularly may be less likely to develop kidney stones, or suffer from other health problems than those that don't take it. The nutrient dense foliage can help the body in many ways, other than kidney function too.
Because of it's high nutrient levels, moringa may help improve complexion, reduce breakouts and give a more even skin tone. Both moringa oil applied topically and moringa leaf powder taken as a supplement can provide these benefits.
Moringa contains a plethora of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that have been linked to hair growth. Zinc and Iron are two very important ones, but amino acids, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, or any number of other components of moringa may help reduce hair loss and encourage new growth.
The leaves of the moringa (drumstick) tree are beneficial to the entire body, including the scalp and hair. Due to the presence of a multitude of vitamins and minerals, the leaf of the moringa provides hair with protection from damage, may reduce shedding, dandruff, and promote new hair growth.
Some people heat up the moringa oil (about 2 tablespoons) but others prefer to use it cold. Wet your hair slightly and massage the oil into your scalp and all the way from your hair roots to the tips. Ensure full coverage of your hair and scalp and massage in so the oil absorbs deeply.
I am preparing green tea for my son using moringa, bamboo leaves, and bermuda grass grass twice weekly. How do I make moringa oil at home? My son is now 31yrs old, he had excellent hair till 18, then he got a dendrite problem and even with help from many doctors he was bald by 20. Can moringa oil and moringa and bamboo tea help him to get back his hair forever? In my family even at 70 my brother has thick and excellent hair, even my uncle at 80 has excellent hair. I myself at 63 still have good hair so I don’t believe it is a genetic problem.
I’m not sure if moringa can help with nerve cell damage however it certainly wouldn’t hurt to try a combination of moringa supplementation daily from powder of fresh from (both in the morning and the evening) to boost your son’s nutrition profile and immune health, alongside some moringa oil used topically – massaged into his scalp daily. Try this for a few months and see how he feels, and if new hair growth begins again. He should start noticing the benefits in terms of his energy levels and how he feels within a few weeks, and hopefully within a month or two his hair will start growing back. If you try this out please let me know if it is successful.
You can press moringa oil from moringa seeds at home, but you’ll need a press and an abundance of malunggay seeds. It might be worth just purchasing some oil first and testing out the protocol to see how effective it is, and if hair starts growing back and you expect you will be needing more and more moringa oil in the future, look into purchasing the necessary equipment and supplies to press your own oil.
Take hibiscus leaves or flower required quantity. Grind it well to become paste. Then apply that 1.pack daily at ni8 and wash it out at morning with plain water. 2.Weekly once at least should use hair oil 1:1 proportion of coconut oil and castor oil. heat it in low flame and apply that oil over ni8 and wash it off next morning.
3. Instead of hibiscus you can use small onion juice on scalp and was after 15 to 20 mins with plain water daily
At least 3 months required for best result