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How Can Moringa Benefit Hair Growth?

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Top 10 Moringa Nutrition Facts

Moringa is a natural wonder, there is no doubt about that. In recent years, word has spread from Asia and Africa right across the globe, making it one of the most talked about plants on the planet.

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Moringa: Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Benefits

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How To Use Moringa For Weight Loss Step-by-Step

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What is Moringa?

Moringa is a plant native to northwest India. It is a fast growing plant that is prized for its high levels of many nutrients essential for health.

Throughout history it’s been valued for its healing properties, its ability to reverse malnutrition, and its ability to purify water.

In modern-day, it is being made into different forms for different purposes. More specifically, Moringa Capsules are to be taken to provide an overall health benefit to your body; while Moringa powder can be used in cooking, on the top of the said benefit; Lastly Moringa oil (which made from the seed) provide great benefit to your skin and hair.

The most popular species is Moringa oleifera. It is commonly cultivated throughout many semi-arid, and tropical areas like Africa, Thailand, the Phillipines, and India.

Watch this short Discovery Channel Documentary on Moringa!

What's in it?


Vitamin A (Alpha and Beta-Carotene) B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Folate (Folic Acid), Biotin, and many more


Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Selenium, Sulfur, Zinc

All 8 Essential Amino Acids

Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine

10 Additional Amino Acids

Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cysteine, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tryosine

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Other Beneficial Nutrients

Chlorphyll, Carotenoids, Cytokinins, Flavanoids, Omega (3,6,9) Oils, Plant Sterols, Polyphenols, Lutein, Xanthins, Rutin, and many more


92 Nutrients

46 Antioxidants

36 Anti-Inflammatories

18 Amino Acids

What's it good for?

It seems like it’s good for everything! Because Moringa gives your body the nutrients that it needs to fight diseases and repair tissue, Moringa has been reported to be beneficial in a wide range of medical issues! The following information comes from a Johns Hopkins University study that compiled the known research on the effects of Moringa.

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Due to FDA policies, it is important to note that Moringa, and the products that contain it, is not intended to cure or treat any disease. (Neither are most medicines for that matter!).

  • Anti-microbial/Biocidal
    Common cold, Epstain-Barr virus,
  • Parasites, HSV-1UTI, Bacterial infection, Bronchitis, Earache, Fever, Asthma
    Cancer Therapy/Protection
    Anti-tumor, prostate, radioprotective, skin
  • Circulatory/Endocrine Disorders
    Anti-anemic, Anti-hyperintensive, Cardiotonic, Diabetes/Hypoglycemia, Diuretic, Hypocholestemia, Thyroid, Hepatorenal
  • Detoxification
    Antipyretic,Purgative, Snakebite, Scorpion-bite
  • Digestive Disorders
    Colitis, Diarrhea, Digestif, Dysentery, Flatulence, Ulcer / Gastritis
  • Inflammation
    Rheumatism, Joint Pain, Edema, Arthritis
  • Nutritional
    Antinutritional factors, Antioxidant, Carotenoids, Energy, Goitrogen, Iron deficiency, Protein, Vitamin/Mineral deficiency
  • Nervous Disorders
    Anti-spasmodic, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Headache
  • Skin Disorders
    Antiseptic, Astringent, Pyodermia, Rubefacient, Vesicant
  • General Conditions
    Bladder, Catarrh, Gout, Hepatamegaly, Lactation, Low.Back/Kidney Pain, Scurvy, Splenomegaly

Is Moringa Safe?

Moringa has been used since ancient times, by Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. There’s nothing mysterious about how it works. There’s no strange “superchemical” producing a miracle cure! It’s simply a plant with a wide range of nutrients, in a form that our bodies can use!

Because our food supply is so nutritionally empty, our society is suffering from an overwhelming amount of diseases and issues that all begin with malnutrition! 

That’s why Moringa is having such a huge impact on people’s lives!


Cultivated in:
The Sudan
West, East & South Africa
Latin America
The Caribbean
The Pacific Islands

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We aim to serve as a helpful resource, that guides you on your health and wellness journey.

Our mission from day one has been to present users with easy-to-absorb factual information and honest recommendations of all types of moringa products.

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